study is framed in the development of a model of psychic working of the
recidivist victims, an addiction study is carried out in 92 adult recidivist
victims, who attended the forensic psychology department of the National
Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Mérida- Venezuela, using the Scale
of Attachment for Non-Romantic Relations and the Attachment Scale for Romantic
Relations, Casullo and Fernández (2004), which has a Cronbach's alpha of 0.45
and 0.52; however, for this sample, said value was 0.79 and 0.81
respectively.. Evaluate fearful-avoidant, anxious and segure attachment. The
intention is to reach a first approximation of the understanding of said
sample, with the purpose of developing models and lines of investigation that
allow to deepen into the phenomenon studied. Predominance was found in the
presence of symptoms that refer to fearful and avoidant attachment styles,
allowing us to understand elements that determine the reiteration of the people
evaluated in their condition as repeat victims, which allows us to begin to
identify fundamental elements in their psychic functioning, showing how it is
possible that the way of understanding the links has a direct impact on the
condition they are going through. It is also recommended the evaluation of
other factors of mental functioning for this population, such as post-traumatic
stress, personality and psychiatric disorders, in the same way as other more
extensive forms of approach to the phenomenon from social, ethnographic and
Keywords: recidivist victim,
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