Saturday, 3 September 2011

I continue my NZ’s route

Around 1 years and 2 week ago, my husband and I decided go to live to NZ and start a new life in that place.

I’m still in Venezuela, but my life have changed; now I’m not working, I quit all my jobs; I have studied English day after day and although my English still is not very well, I have learned a lot specially writing; I have decided go to study English there in the beginning, and take vantage of some things here to can go with better situation; inside me, my life is different, I have been saying goodbye a lot of things and a lot of people; my heart is in peace, but is not here, is dreaming with the day I’ll be in NZ; my heart have accepted the sadness to leave loved thing; but we are making the bereavement of this… with pain and hopeful. I have read the NZ’s newspaper each day, and I have an idea the situation there; I have some kiwi friends, and with them I have the sensation I won’t be alone there. I have investigated the NZ’s history, economy, population, etc.

I feel ready to go. I am only waiting for to have enough money in short time to ask my visa; during this time, I’ll meet my friends and I'll give them an strong hug them like the last time… with sadness and happiness to have had the opportunity to meet with them and changed the way to see the life with their company. I have said goodbye to place, people and things, all important in the life I have known these years.  Now I’m only waiting for the God time… for the perfect time to go to start my new life.

My heart is big, happy, sad, hopeful, nostalgic, and a lot of emotion, living inside me… but the bigger emotion is the wish to know the place I have decided to live, to know the smell, colors, streets, the life…

I continue my NZ’s route, but I hope in short time to be in NZ’s life!

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