September 30, 2011
Well, I have long time without write here or writing few posts per months; but I was on vacation, in special mental vacations.
I am back, with some reflections, I have my plan A to go to NZ to study English and step by step have a work visa and my new life there. Nevertheless, this plan had some difficulties and I’m not sure if will be solvent soon. For this reason, I have my plan B in action, it is simply my first plan A: take here the IELTS and go there with my work visa.
The last week, I taken a diagnosis test to register myself in an English course, and I had very good score, and on Tuesday I’m start my course. The next months, ‘ll take the diagnosis test to register myself in a specific course for the IELTS, that course start in November 21 and finish in January 28; If I am here for this date, my plan is take the course, then take the IELTS on February.
Today, I started my IELTS practice and did a terrible work; maybe because I feel nervous when only think in this test, and also because I have lost the practice. In this way, my plans is work step by step slowly and increase the difficult when I’ll feel sure.
Now I can read English book and understand, but I read two pages for the IELTS and don’t know what mean. Do you think the only problem is my English level?
I don’t think so. I think, I have at less 3 problems: 1 nervous control; 2 difficult to keep the concentration with the timer playing; and yes, 4 I need improve my English level, but it is the smaller problem, I think so. What do you think?
This morning I did a task 2 for the IELTS so bad and short, I’ll wrote it here, and you can know difference between the new and older and tell me if you think the problem is my English level; now I can read long books and write about almost anything, and in the same moment to write it:
Frequently people think the talent is a natural ability and some persons have a specific one or not. In special are easy listen people talking about music natural talent.
In the last century a lot of scientific studied about born talents in music area, and they found generally child of music parents have better rhythm, and abilities to learn some instruments. In the same way they discovered the child of sportsman parents have better physical abilities in general.
However, for me is easy question myself about whether these characteristics are or not in relationship with the specific lifestyle of these children, and the wishes of their parents. I think, is possible each people have an important genetic heredity, but is fundamental the way you life.
On the other hand, is possible to know a lot of famous people in the history with great talents and with not talents parents. Normally people have or not have some natural talent, but the real difference you can find in their effort and perseverant.
In conclusion, I think is possible you have a natural talent, but it cannot be use if you don’t work hard day after day. Is possible for some people with natural talent are easier than other learn something, but still, if you don’t work hard, you would not be successful.
What do you think?
Now I need improve in 3 areas, my nervous control, practice with the timer and my English level. Do you want to accompany my in this process?
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