Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following
Should wealthy nations be required to
share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and
education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to
look after their citizens themselves?
Around the world there are many differences among countries lifestyle, richness, education level, etc. It is usual that people
tend to think that wealthy nations have a bigger responsibility than poorer
over politicians and decisions.
In fact, the world is in richer's countries hands, and
they often have control about important decisions which affect all world
population. They have a big chance to help poor places, and promote the global
development. However, they are used to focusing just on their welfare.
On the other hand, it is usual that poor countries
have more natural resources than richer ones. For example, nations as South Africa
have a lot of gold, in general more than any other place around the world. Though,
countries such as New Zealand do not have gold, and they are richer with a good use
of their sheep. So, poor nations have a high responsibility in their reality,
and anybody can help them until they make a decision to have a different
In my opinion, it is necessary to make a deal about
good ways to help poor nations to improve their life; but it is not only responsibility
of rich countries. It is necessary that poor nations start new ways of living,
and if they need help to put on their projects, it is essential that they
find help in richer nations. In this way, wealthy nations would help the
poorest, and the poorest would make a good use of this help.
In conclusion, the world responsibility is not of poor
or rich, it is responsibility of all of us. So it is necessary that all of us make an effort to improve our life, and it is a bad idea to continue waiting for other's help.
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