Friday, 18 May 2012

Task 1

The couple of graphs bellow talks about crime’s information for 2002in the UK. The first one is related to the link between age and crime; the second one is a bake chart and shows the percentage of each kind of crime.

In the UK the youngest criminal was 12 years old, and this age is linked with crime around 3%; on the other hand, the rage of ages with the highest percentage of relationship crime-age were 16, 20, 24; there was possible to find 70%, 80% and 60% respectively. People among 28 year old and 40 had linked with this situation around 20%; while older people showed not more than 10% of relationship with crime.

The type of crime in the UK for that year were 4, violent crime with the highest level (46%), followed by property crime with a percentage at 23, and drug crime (22%); the lowest level was public order crime at 9%.

Summarizing, the rage of age most related to crime were 16-24. Meanwhile the most popular kind of crime was the violent one.

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