I have heard that in this place different species can talk about their stories. So it is my time. First I want to say thank you to the woman who is allowed to use this place for us and find a moment for our needs to express our feelings.
I am a lizard (in my mother tongue I am a Iguana). I am very old, big, and I am very same as a dinosaur, that last one feature is my way to protect myself because still when I am very passive, all people feel fear of me, well not all people, almost all people.
I have had a very well education, my elected mother have been very strong and warm with me. Then I am very respectful and I hope respect of all.
I was very scared because my mother was very violent and she just gave me food but she was not loving and never was good rapport toward me. For that reason, I went to walk alone. I was a young lizard at that moment. I saw a lot of people and at that moment I was cute and they didn't feel fear of me, and a lot of them wanted to catch me. I was absolutely afraid and walking quickly.
During those moments, I thought about all of lizards around me saying that go out to looking for a better life was an absolutely madness, because we were a close specie and we needed to keep our tradition still when we were not feeling well with it, because we should be together. I remembered all of them advancing to me don't take a different way in my life because I will be dead soon. I asked them if they were happy with their live, and their answers were weird because they said yes, but they would like to have a different life; for example, I found answers like this: I love to be a lizard, and it is the best thing that someone could be in the life, but the floor is very hot and sometimes I feel pain in my tummy, or we are so ugly and for this reason anybody want to hug us as a dog; well be a lizard is wonderful, but our life is not fair, etc.
On those days I was very confuse. But still I thought: well, to be a lizard is not good, but I cannot change it, anyway I can select a new kind of life; this family is very different from me. I don't like this kind of life (it was my thought) and I need to investigate if I could find a different one.
Finally I started my new way. I was scared. The floor was very hat and my tummy was not ready for it, I was looking for a tree quickly to avoid burn my tummy, in my road I found a lot of dogs, people and a very weird kind of people whose have wheels. I tried to run quickly and not be trapped. Suddenly, a lot of people saw me. All of them were interesting about me, I was absolutely scared! I had heard that humans were the worst species of all. I thought that I will die soon.
A young woman was different, she was encouraged to take me, in the beginning I felt fear, but she was strong and warm (as usually) and took me. I thought very quickly something like that: well, if I try to go, they will try to catch me and it is possible that whoever of them had success; and if they will not catch me, I could died for the hot in my tummy; she looks good, I will stay with her. Then I was up in her hand and continued my way there.
After that, I have had a different kind of life. She is warm and strong with me, she has taught me a lot of things, and helped me to be a good lizard. She has loved me and accepted as I am. Now the floor is not too hot, anybody wants to eat me and I have a new family and friends. Any of them are lizards as me, but they are my family, and in this time, I have discovered that the real family is who love you and help you to development and looking for whatever you want to.
Now, I have a good family. During long time I felt envy of the dog (my brother) because he is very cute and all people want to hug him, I thought that his life was easier than mine; and it could be possible, but step by step I have understood that I will never be a dog, I cannot select about be or not be a dog, I just can select about if I want to spend my life dreaming with be a dog or enjoying to be a lizard.... Now being a happy lizard.
Finally, I hope that my mother will not be angry with me because I didn't ask her if I was allowed to show our pics. Sorry mommy I could not find a way to ask you, but it is just for good reasons and you know I love you.
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