Monday, 26 March 2012

How many people are thinking about to buy the New iPad?

How many people are thinking about to buy the New iPad?
By Tahirí Rojas

Baird Equity Research has made a study about how many people expect to buy a New iPad in the next three months around the world and in the US.

They found amazing conclusions: 29% of international surveyed are talking about having a New iPad soon, whereas 24% of Americans respondents share the same intention.

Researchers said that even the size of sample was not too long; it is absolutely representative of the population.

So, 24% of Americans is around 75,180,480 people; 29% of world population is around 19,983,747,030. Then, this research could be talking about 20,058,927,510 of people thinking about buying the New iPad in short time.

Are those figures reliable? Is it possible? Is Apple ready for this?

At the moment I do not have any answer for these questions.

Anyway there exists more statistics:

·         Around 48% of iPad’s owners are thinking about buying the new one.

·         Among 42% of people hoping to buy the New iPad have never had and iPad

·         15% of surveyed want to have an iPad 2.

About reasons:

·         28% of people hoping to have the New iPad told that the reason for their election is the Retina Display.

·         26% because A5X processor.

·         17% gave LTE as first reason.

In my opinion, it is incredible news, and it is time to wait for future to know what happen.

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