Saturday, 3 March 2012

Waiting for the new iPad and the highest sales!

Waiting for the new iPad and the highest sales!
By Tahirí Rojas.

Some days before the launch of the new iPad, Apple is saying that during this year they have sold more than 60 million iPads, and that since April 2012 when the tablet was first launched they have sold more than 1000 million of them.

Around the world people are waiting for Wednesday when according to Apple the new iPad will be launched as a big event. Rumors are that the tablet will be faster and sharper than the actual model; and even if iPad 2 is on the top of technology, all analysts are predicting huge lines of people trying to buy the new one during the first days.

According to Apple, they are expecting to sell at less 55 million iPads this year, but the real goal is to sale over 60 million throughout year.

After less than a year that the iPad2 has been introduced, all expectations are over the new one and its new options.

The fight to be on the top of the tablet mountain has been fast, strong and with a clear winner since it was introduce in the technology world.

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